
For those who are keen to discover more about John Muir, his life and legacy, and related subjects, we have a wide range of books available. This includes the wee books series, published by Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace. We are always happy to hear recommendations for what to stock in the bookshop. We are particularly interested in writing:

  • by and about John Muir
  • in dialogue with John Muir’s ideas
  • on the climate crisis
  • on any of the above topics by authors from marginalised backgrounds

If you are an author and would like us to stock your book, please get in touch at Take a look at this guide from the Booksellers Association for more information on what we are looking for.

If we don’t have the book you are looking for we recommend supporting other local independent bookshops such as Night Owl Books in East Linton, Kelsey’s Bookshop in Haddington and The Portobello Bookshop in Edinburgh.


Locally sourced and environmentally friendly cards and gifts are also on sale. From time to time special items are available to complement current events and exhibitions.

As part of our commitment to being a Gold Green Tourism attraction we have a great range of local and sustainably sourced gifts including:


‘Green’ visitors who have travelled to the Birthplace by public transport are welcome to a 10% discount on production of their ticket, also walking groups and those who have cycled (this cannot be combined with any other offer).